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Draw Visitors to Your Attraction with Exterior Theming

Consider this age-old adage: "Don't judge a book by its cover." But what if I told you that, in certain scenarios, that's precisely what you want your customers to do?

Picture this: as your guests pull up to your establishment, you desire nothing more than for them to marvel at your building and instantly understand what lies within.

Join us as we delve into the transformative power of infusing a dash of imagination and personality into the exterior of your establishment, and witness the profound impact it can have on the flow of business through your doors.

What Does Your Business's Exterior Convey to Visitors?

It takes a mere seven seconds for an individual to form an initial judgment. Within this brief window, a potential customer decides whether to venture into your parking lot or simply drive past.

As Oscar Wilde famously remarked, "You never get a second chance to make a first impression." It's imperative to ensure that your guests are awestruck from the moment they arrive.

What Message Do You Wish to Convey to Your Visitors?

What draws visitors to your locale? Is it your signature culinary delights, captivating exhibits, or thrilling adventures? Similarly, as a business

owner, what excites you about hosting guests in your space?

A playful storefront with giant 3D burger, ketchup, and soft drink items, including a burger, fries, and soda, creating a welcoming atmosphere for visitors.
The Burger Inn Exterior Cladding

The exterior design of your establishment can serve as a visual representation of your identity, imparting essential insights to arriving guests and instilling confidence that they've arrived at their intended destination.

Before embarking on the journey of crafting your dream exterior, ponder these questions:

  • How do I want my brand to be visually portrayed?

  • What preconceptions do I want visitors to form upon arriving at my establishment?

  • What are the interests of my target audience?

Captivate Attention with Iconic Characters Adorning Your Building

A space-themed storefront for a pediatric dentist, featuring an astronaut and an alien floating through space to catch visitors' attention.
Super Smiles Pediatric Dentistry

Capture the gaze of passersby from afar, leaving them with an irresistible urge to explore further.

External landmarks have long been a tried-and-true advertising technique, working tirelessly to promote your business around the clock.

The exterior of your establishment serves as the initial point of contact between guests and your company. Let it serve as your silent ambassador, enticing curiosity and conveying the notion that what lies within is distinct and exhilarating.

These legendary landmarks serve as unmistakable beacons, signaling that this establishment is dedicated to the pursuit of enjoyment. Such a striking impression lingers long in the memory—after all, who could forget an octopus donning a snorkel, seemingly beckoning you inside for an underwater adventure?

Foster interest and let word of your unique exterior spread far and wide. Exterior theming will attract new visitors and ignite conversations within the community. "Turn left at the giant octopus" will soon become a common refrain, drawing more individuals to discover what awaits within.

A giant, whimsical octopus sculpture with pink tentacles wrapping around the exterior of a building, its snorkel-wearing head peeking over the roof.
Snorkeling Octopus on Building

Advertise Through Themed Cladding for Your Building Exterior

A colorful candy-themed storefront featuring oversized candy elements like lollipops and candy canes, creating a fun and vibrant entrance to the "Sweet Tooth Candy Shop."
Sweet Tooth Candy Shop Exterior

Elevate your establishment from mundane to magical by adorning its entirety with a captivating display.

Transform your space into a beacon, igniting curiosity and prompting passersby to wonder what marvels lie behind your remarkable facade.

A fun and lively image of a young girl jumping with excitement in front of the WonderWorks building, designed to look as if it is upside-down.
WonderWorks Upside-Down Building

Consider this marvelous upside-down museum—an architectural wonder sure to pique curiosity. What mysteries await within? Shall we venture forth and explore?

A whimsical, fantasy-themed castle with exaggerated towers and stone walls, representing the Castle of Chaos attraction.
Castle of Chaos Attraction

Dare you step foot into the Castle of Chaos? The themed cladding adorning this edifice exudes an aura of mystery and promises thrills aplenty.

A grand exterior of the Hollywood Wax Museum, featuring King Kong gripping a skyscraper, creating a dramatic attraction entrance.
King Kong at Hollywood Wax Museum

The Hollywood Wax Museum—a sanctuary of stars beckoning visitors to embark on a journey through cinematic history!

Become a Shareworthy Destination with Themed Photo Opportunities

Regardless of your industry—be it healthcare, hospitality, or tourism—it's crucial that your clientele depart satisfied and eager to return. And if you've struck the right chord, they'll be more than willing to share their fantastic experience with others.

Provide your guests with captivating moments they can easily capture and share on social media. Imagine the first images that surface on Google showcasing customers posing with your unique photo op—beaming with delight after a wonderful experience at your establishment.

Consider a selection of photo ops crafted by the SYC team over the years. These 3D characters continue to captivate visitors, inviting them to capture cherished memories.

A dramatic 3D sculpture of a gorilla gripping a skyscraper, with a plane in hand, creating an eye-catching and adventurous entrance to the Hollywood Wax Museum.
Hollywood Wax Museum with King Kong

A female blue triceratops dinosaur in a frilly yellow dress, sitting on a bench.
Dinosaur Bench Photo Op

Seasonal photo ops offer another enticing avenue to lure visitors with fun photo opportunities. While a full-scale Christmas display may not be feasible, a Santa Claus eagerly awaiting a photo is sure to draw in both children and adults.

A festive reindeer sculpture mounted above the entrance of a building, with antlers decorated in red harness and bells, creating a welcoming holiday atmosphere.
Rudolph Sculpture

When executed adeptly, the content your guests capture interacting with your space—especially with themed photo ops—effectively conveys the joyful experiences they've encountered. Harness the power of visual content and social approval, for they remain the most potent means of influencing business outcomes.

To illustrate further, consider how exterior theming can amplify your return on investment, or ROI…

Boost Your ROI with Exterior Theming

Allow me to paint a hypothetical scenario:

Two businesses within the same industry are committed to enhancing their ROI over the next five years, each with a comparable budget allocated to achieve this objective.

Business A opts to channel its resources primarily into social media advertising initiatives. In contrast, Business B directs its funds toward investing in the theming of its exterior—complete with a captivating photo op character or 3D sign.

Undoubtedly, Business A witnesses an uptick in business stemming from its marketing endeavors. However, Business B's upfront investment in theming removes the need for ongoing marketing expenditures. Why? Because its patrons become its marketers.

People relish sharing their experiences on social media. Business B's strategically placed photo op provides guests with the perfect opportunity to do just that. Word quickly spreads, with people near and far discussing the enchanting photo op attraction in their community—a phenomenon that continues to draw attention to Business B's establishment.

What Business B's theming investment affords is years of free marketing collateral for a one-time expenditure. In contrast, Business A will inevitably need to maintain its marketing initiatives to sustain similar results, prompting the question: Is this approach sustainable?

In conclusion, encourage your guests to look, point, and judge a book by its cover. Intrigue them with the narrative your exterior conveys. Whether mysterious, serene, or exhilarating, a first impression lingers indefinitely—capture their attention and hold it.


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